Nasya Karma Treatment: Benefits, Procedure & Cost | Haritha Ayurveda

Nasya Karma Treatment: Benefits, Procedure & Cost

Nasya Karma Treatment -

“औषधमौषधसिद्धो वा स्नेहो नासिकाभ्याम दीयसि इसि नस्यम् |”

Nasya is a multi-step treatment in which the drug is given in the form of herbal oils via nostrils.

Nasya is a Sanskrit terminology used in Ayurveda meaning “Nose”. The Nasya Karma Therapy means treatment of ENT problems i.e., Eyes, Nose and Throat using Herbal Oils, powders, fumes, honey milk, salts, water etc., as per ancient Ayurvedic procedure.

Nasya is among the five Panchakarma treatments. It is particularly beneficial for conditions of the neck and upper parts of the neck's base. All the components used in the Nasya Karma Treatment are specified for the individual person depending upon their body’s constitution, body dosha.

How much is the Nasya Karma Treatment Effective?

The nasal passage is the main entrance into the head or brain. The nose contains the mucous that allows the easy entry of microbes in the body. The microbes have lipid rich body surface that gets attached to the given oil helping in releasing the toxins out of the body. Other areas in which Nasya is able for good results include dentistry, psychiatry, and neurology.

Types of Nasya Karma Treatment -

Nasya Karma Treatment is a treatment that can be done in many methods. To better understand this, we've compiled an overview of the various kinds of Nasya treatments that you can choose to take.

In Ayurvedic books we find 3 kinds of Nasya Treatment.

1. Nasya Brihmana Nasya

2. Virechana Nasya

3. Shamana Nasya

According to the quality, it is classified as:

4. Pratimarsha Nasya

5. Marsha Nasya

When Nasya is used for Shodhana or Snehana It is known as Navana. This is the most commonly used form of Navana and is used to treat hair loss, headaches, and bells-palsy tinnitus.


This is a process in which dry powders are blown through the nostrils via an elongated pipe. It is also possible to breathe it in. Conditions like epilepsy or sudden unconsciousness, as well as other illnesses that affect the brain can be treated using this method. Other herbs employed in conjunction with this method of treatment are vacha and vidanga. maricha, and so on.


In this type of Nasys juice extracts are injectable directly into nostrils. A minimum of 4-6 drops of juice for each nostril is required. This is a great treatment for those who suffer of the poisoning epilepsy, toxicity or delirium nasal inflammation etc.


It is a Nasya variant that comes in three subtypes: virechanik and prayogik, as well as sneha. In Dhooma patients, they are forced to inhale a medicinal fumes from the nostrils and mouth at least 3-4 times. The exhalation must only occur through the mouth.

A few common herbs used to prepare any Nasya Karma preparation are:

  • Apamarg
  • Hingu
  • Tulasi
  • Maricha
  • Lahsuna

The most common oil preparations of Nasya comprise:

  • Marichyadi
  • Anu
  • Narayana
  • Shadbindu

A popular preparation of Nasya Karma Treatment is called Guraadi that contains the herbs Shunthi, Pippali, and

Nasya Karma Treatment Side effects -

If nasal therapy isn't administered correctly, it can cause the head to feel heavy coryza, rhinitis headache and various other ailments of eyes, ears and head.

Carefully performed under professional supervision There aren't any adverse side effects from this non-invasive treatment.

Nasya Karma Treatment Procedure -

Research proven Steps involved in Nasya Karma Treatment include:

1. Shayane Shayanam - Lie the patient down comfortably on the bed.

2. Poorvkarma - It is a pre-purificatory step which involves massage of the face with facial oil or applying steam to forehead, face or head, ears, and neck. This assists in releasing the glue Doshas.

3. Pradhankarma - It is the main method of Nasya that involves the injection of the luke warm medicine into both nostrils using appropriate tools such as a dropper. The shoulder, sole, the neck, ear, and palm are massaged gently following the instillation of the medication. Nasal drops are sprayed in the amount of 3 drops per nostril.

4. Pashchatkarma - It is post-therapeutic measure in which the mouth of the patient is cleansed by using the mouth with warm water, which is then gargled and after that medicated smoke is administered to inhale.

Nasya Karma Treatments Price -

The Nasya Karma Treatment cost varies from centre to centre. The basic cost ranges from $$ to $$. If you are looking for high quality authentic nasya treatment in the lowest price then contact Haritha Ayurveda in Rishikesh. Located in the lap of Himalayas it offers best Nasya Treatment Ayurvedic centre in Rishikesh at very low price. They have 12+ years of trained professionals to give to most of the Nasya Treatment.

Nasya Karma Benefits -

Nasya treatment has several benefits. Especially for those are struggling with nasal passage blockage, headache and pain in the nerves, Nasya Treatment is the best remedy for you without any adverse effect.

Benefits of Nasya Therapy Treatment are:

  • Cleansing of Sinuses: It effectively soothes the nasal passage and clears the sinuses to enhance breathing.
  • The sensory organs are more active after Nasya treatment.
  • Heals Migraine and Headache: Relaxes nerves and reduce pain
  • Clean blocked mucous: The massage, steam, and oil clear out mucus from the throat.
  • Sweetens the voice: After the toxins are removed the voice gets much clearer and softer.
  • Releases Toxins: The protocol helps in binding the microbes and get them out.
  • Improves health: when the body blockages are unblocked, the body restores the lost energy and potential.
  • Pain Management: Nasyam is beneficial in the treatment of migraine pain and relaxes the nerves.
  • Paralysis: As per the survey, the clean is the body, the healthy is the brain and so reduces the paralysis chances.
  • Stress Reduction: When all the nerves are relaxed there is no stress and anxiety. Nasyam stimulates the key centres of brain that regulate emotional state.
  • Skin & Hair Care: With regular treatment, Nasyam can improve skin complexion. It can also improve hair roughness and intact hair colour. If you notice grey hair you can remove it using the basic Nasya treatment.
  • Immunity: Use of Immunity boosting herbs for Nasyam can be beneficial in people who show low Immunity.
  • ENT Care: Eyes, Nose and Throat are well Eye Care: Medications administered through nasal cavity act on the specific area of brain that is involved in regulating vision.

Nasya Karma Treatment At Home -

The proper Nasya Treatment is performed in the Ayurvedic centres only. However, if you want to perform a basic Nasya oiling in the home then you must be aware of the oils specified for your body. Clean your face and neck with steam. Put oil drops in the nostrils one by one. Wait for some time and then spit the mucous coming in your mouth. Perform the treatment under the supervision of experts or who has performed Nasya Treatment several times in the professional centre.

Nasya Karma Treatment Reviews -

If you are looking for the reviews of the Nasya Treatment then contact Haritha Ayurveda and Panchakarma Centre in Rishikesh. They will help you with the excellent reviews given by the clients about the Nasya treatment.

Nasya Karma Treatment Duration -

The whole Nasya Treatment duration is 30 to 45 min. The total course duration is of 7 days and 14 days. It is inclusive of Abhyanga, Swedana, Nasya Karma, Dhumapana, Gandusha. The whole duration of it depends on the doctor and the seriousness of the condition. For more information contact or call on +91 9758881169. They have expert professionals who will crystal clear you about the Best Nasya Karma Treatment in Rishikesh.

Also Read: A Perfect Guide to Ayurvedic Detox Treatment In Rishikesh

Why chose Haritha Ayurveda for Nasya Treatment?

Haritha Ayurveda and Panchakarma Centre in Rishikesh is giving it’s excellent, result oriented Ayurvedic Services in Rishikesh for 12+ years. Here are some of the reasons to choose Haritha Ayurveda only in India.

1. Free Ayurvedic Doctor Consultation: They don’t charge for the consultation. After the consultaion of the doctor only the nasya drug is given which is specific as per the patient’s body constitution.

2. Trained therapists: The therapists are highly trained. They are continuously giving their extra ordinary and highly satisfactory services past 12 years.

3. Worthy and Value to Money Ayurvedic Treatments

4. We are famed for our high: quality and referral clientele across the world.

5. Hygienic and clean ambiance: We have proper facilities in the centre to provide utmost quality and hygienic ambiance.

FAQS About Nasya Karma Therapy Treatment -

Q1. What are the most commonly used oils in Nasya karma Treatment?

Ans. Anu Tailam and Ksheerabala 101 is most commonly used oil in the Nasya Karma Treatemnt.

Q2. Can Nasya treat Allergic problems of the body?

Ans. Some of the respiratory related allergies can be cured. However, it can be decided only after the proper doctor’s consultation whether your allergy can be treated or not.

Q3. Is Nasya Safe to all?

Ans. Yes, the Nasya treatment is safe and effective treatment. It is beneficial in respiratory and ENT problems. As a result, this may also help to enhance and maintain your overall well-being, including mental and physical health.

However, you must note that Nasya treatment is not considered safe for kids below seven years of age, and for adults of 80 above age.

Q4. Is Nasya an Ayurvedic Treatment for Sinus Infection?

Ans. Nasya process has long been known for its efficacy in providing relief from various nasal health concerns. It is an effective remedy for reducing sinus infections and related disorders.

Q5. Name the body parts that get treated in Nasya Treatment

Ans. This therapy is especially advised for head and neck diseases such as dental disorders, tonsillitis, diseases of eye, facial paralysis, baldness, greying of hair, etc

Q6. How Does Nasya Treatment Work?

Ans. The Nasya treatment works by using several herbal decoctions in the form of powders, juices, oils etc. They are incorporated in the nose via nostrils into the nasal passage. This helps to get rid of toxins out of the body through the coming out mucous, that is spitted out. It is the first step of body Panchakarma.

It opens several blockages of the channels and stimulate the vital centres of brain. Thus, highly effective in headaches, migraine, sinusitis and lots more problems.

Haritha Ayurveda Academy and Panchakarma Spa based in Rishikesh India ,offers authentic Ayurvedic services and traditional education. At Haritha Ayurveda, Rishikesh, we offer all kinds of Ayurvedic Treatments and Ayurveda Courses In Rishikesh.

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