Pizhichil Treatment: Massage Therapy for Relaxation and Healing | Haritha Ayurveda

Pizhichil Treatment: Massage Therapy for Relaxation and Healing

What is Pizhichil (Meaning) Treatment?

The term pizhichil means squeezing. This word was originated from kerala, south India. They use pizhichil as an Ayurvedic therapy to cure various ailments like arthritis, skin disorders, etc. by squeezing a linen cloth dipped in formulated medicated oil.

Why chose Pizhichil over other Ayurvedic therapies?

Pizhichil is a type of Sarvangdhara. Here, Sarvanga means the “whole body” and dhara means “stream”. Therefore, Sarvangdhara refers to pouring a stream of oil on the whole body. All the Ayurvedic therapies are not confined to treat the whole body but pizhichil treatment works on the whole body and revive every body part externally.

Procedure for Pizhichil Treatment

Pizhichil treatment is a unique combination of oil therapy and heat therapy i.e., snehana and swedana respectively.

The oil used is called Kuzhambu. It comes under “Oleation Therapy”

Heat given is in the form of steam. It comes under “Sudation Therapy”

Steps of Pizhichil Treatment professionally

Step 1. Doctor Consultation:

Ayurvedic professional doctor will go through your body ailments and imbalance body doshas. Then he will suggest the best combination of oil for your pizhichil treatment. Also, he will plan your no. of therapies to correct your problem fully.

Step 2. Preparation of Medicated Oil:

As suggested the therapist will prepare the oil however mainly Kuzhambu is used for all.

Step 3. Pre-Treatment Arrangements:

The therapist will prepare the bed, take out the clean linen cloth, warm up the oil, and undress the patient etc.

Step 4. Pouring the oil:

The therapist will dip the cloth into the luke warm oil and then squeeze it from a certain height over the body.

Step 5. Massaging:

The body part on which oil is being poured, the therapist will give a massage to the patient on that particular area simultaneously.

Step 6. Wiping the body:

Once the whole body is covered through the pizhichil treatment the patient is given time to relax and the therapist wipe his body.

If you are looking for professional pizhichil treatment in India or in Rishikesh then, Haritha Ayurveda is one of the best Ayurveda Therapy Centre in Rishikesh that follows all the steps professionally and give out the best results. You must try here at least once for sure. For any detailed information or free consultation, you can contact info@harithaayurveda.com.

Guarantee benefits of Pizhichil Treatment

1. Open skin cloaked pores: As the pizhichil treatment involves bathe in streams of medicated oil that is luke warm it helps in opening of body pores.

2. Fulfil body’s oil requirement: As the whole treatment involves medicated oil it fulfils the oil need of the body. This treats several chronic diseases like rheumatic disease, arthritis, dry skin, dry hair and paralysis.

Also Read: A Perfect Guide to Ayurvedic Detox Treatment In Rishikesh

3. Massaging Muscle relaxation: Pizhichil treatment combines squeezing of oily cloth and massaging the body simultaneously it helps in muscle relaxation, sexual weakness, and neurological disorders, blood pressure, nerve weakness and helps in arresting the aging process, blood circulation, insomnia, detoxification of the body, reduction in stress and depression.

4. Skin ailments: Medicated oil gives healing effect to the skin ailments like rashes, inflammation, infection, dry skin, skin tone etc.

5. Immunity: As it includes medicated oil it boosts body immunity and gets the body rid of harmful bacteria.

6. Rejuvenation/Restore health: Medicated oil massage open the pores so skin starts breathing, nerves get relaxed activating the whole nervous system.

What should you do after Pizhichil Treatment?

After the treatment you should follow the below given guidance:

  • Relax the body
  • Protect the body from exposing to very cool/very hot air or sunlight
  • Give a sterile wipe from the head to toe.
  • Give another massage and make him relax.
  • Ask the patient to take a hot water bath.
  • Avoid hard physical exercise immediately after the treatment
  • Avoid sexual intercourse

Diet to follow after pizhichil treatment

  • Food that is easy in digestion: Any semi solid or liquid diet is preferred.
  • Ingredients to use: Ginger, peppers, cumin is recommended.
  • Recommended recipies after pizhichil treatment: Khichadi, porridge, oats, steamed rice, upma, suji chilla or utappam, idli etc.

Pizhichil Treatment cost

The cost of pizhichil varies from place to place and location to location. However, an average cost of professional Pizhichil treatment is 2000 INR to 8000 INR

FAQ'S About Pizhichli Treatment

Q.1: Is pizhichil treatment for you?

Ans. If you are suffering from muscle stiffness, knee pain, joint pain, rheumatic problems, insomnia, mental stress, hormonal issues then pizhichil is best for you.

Q.2: Which is the best Ayurvedic therapy for the whole-body relaxation?

Ans. Pizhichil treatment is one of the best recommended therapies as it includes, medicated oils, stream bathe and massage for holistic healing and body relaxation.

Q.3: Which diseases can be cured by pizhichil therapy?

Ans. Paralysis, sexual weakness, anxiety, neuralgia or varicose nerves, skin infection, itchy skin, eczema, blocked skin follicles, arthritis etc

Q.4: What is Ayurveda pizhichil treatment?

Ans. An Ayurvedic pizhichil treatment refers to the Therapy that is Ayurvedic in origin and includes pouring of medicated oil using a linen cloth dipped in oil through squeezing technique and massaging alongside.

Q.5: Who should take pizhichil treatment?

Ans. People who are suffering from muscular stiffness, rheumatic problems, paralysis, arthritis, insomnia, mental stress, corporate work life imbalance problems, sexually low should go for Pizhichil treatment.

Q.6: Who should avoid the kerala Ayurvedic pizhichil treatment?

Ans. People who suffer from fever, imbalance homeostasis, digestion problems, any serious disease like cancer etc must consult a doctor before planning for the treatment.

Q.7: Which is the Best Kerala pizhichil treatment in Rishikesh?

Ans. Haritha Ayurveda is the best Kerala Ayurvedic Therapy centre in Rishikesh. They follow all the professional steps that Kerala follows. They have professional therapists and 15+ years of experience. For more information contact info@harithaayurveda.com.

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